
The following books and articles provided research and background for Bloodlines and On the Sickle’s Edge:

On The Sickel's EdgeOn the Sickle’s Edge

In addition to online research, Neville used the following resource material to learn more about Latvia and the Soviet Union in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Lenin’s Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire by David Remnick, Vintage Books, Random House, 1994

Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking: A Memoir of Food & Longing by Anya von Bremsen, Crown, 2013

Red Notice by Bill Browder, Simon & Schuster, 2015

Russia: Broken Idols, Solemn Dreams by David K. Shipler, Times Books, Random House, 1983, 1989

The Russians by Hedrick Smith, The New York Times Book Company, 1976



Bloodlines-cover Bloodlines

The following books and articles provided background about the apartheid era in South Africa:

After the Party, by Andrew Feinstein, Jonathan Ball Publishers, (PTY) LTD, 2007

Barrier of Spears, by R.O. Pearse, Howard Timmins Publishers, 1982

Buthelezi, A Biography, by Ben Tempkin, JB Publishers, South Africa, 2003

Father Huddleston’s Picture Book, Kliptown Books Ltd, 1990

Inkatha versus the Rest: Black Opposition to Inkatha in Durban’s African Townships, by Michael Sutcliffe and Paul Wellings, African Affairs, Vol 87, No 348, July 1988, pp. 325-360

Long Walk To Freedom, by Nelson Mandela, Little, Brown and Company, 1995

Rivonia’s Children, by Glenn Frankel, Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1999

The Destruction of the Zulu Kingdom, The Civil War in Zululand, by Jeff Guy, University of Natal Press, 1994

The Limits of Manipulation Theory: The Apartheid Third Force and the ANC-Inkatha Conflict in South Africa, by Eric Melander, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Volume 8, Issue 4, Fall 2002

The Washing of the Spears by Donald R. Morris, Random House, 1994

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report

Zulu Botanical Knowledge: An Introduction, by Mkhipheni A. Ngwenya, Adrian Koopman and Rosemary Williams, National Botanical Institute, Durban 2003

Zulu Shaman: Dreams, Prophecies and Mysteries, by Vusasmazulu Credo Mutwa, Destiny Books, Division of Inner Traditions International, Rochester, VT, 2003

Zulu Thought-Patterns and Symbolism, by Axel-Ivar Berglund, Indiana University Press Edition, 1989